2020 Pandemic + Music = Heartbreak

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Pandemic theater closings

The Pandemic of 2020 really broke the entertainment industry. With a full year of shows lined up, contracts signed, deposits received, show day sheets prepared and travel arrangements made, WE WERE READY TO ROCK!

Que the Pandemic!

At first, David Victor Presents had to postpone a few shows for THE HITS OF BOSTON & MORE and BOHEMIAN QUEEN till later in the year, then a couple months in to COVID, shows were being pushed further into 2020 and some into 2021, and now, into 2022.

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A sight that no musician wanted to see in 2020

Add a few more months of lockdown in 2020, summer shows were being canceled altogether and Fall shows were pushed to 2021. This created another booking debacle for 2021, as there were less available dates to fill with 2020 shows being pushed to 2021.

The Domino Effect of a Pandemic

Can you imagine the domino effect of a lockdown on the entertainment industry? Tribute band musicians all of a sudden have lost that extra income, or for some, their total income! Most have full-time jobs to fall back on, but those jobs are now in jeopardy too.

Next domino…theaters and venues have to scramble to reschedule, postpone or cancel shows till later in the year. BUT later in 2020 never came for most. Those shows that were pushed to later in 2020 now, again, are being rescheduled, postponed or canceled.

Venues now are forced to lay off or furlough box office personnel, stage hands, technical employees, most office workers, marketing departments. If they were lucky, the director of the venue got to stay on to manage the chaos, but a lot did not get to stay and the venues were just ‘CLOSED’.

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Sadly, some venues that WILL NOT reopen at all

What about all the agents, talent buyers and promoters? They now have no shows to book, nothing to promote, and are probably scrambling to deal with deposits that were sent and contracts that were signed.

BUT, David Victor Presents never skipped a beat. No one could even guess what was in the music industry’s future, so we kept emailing venues with our new creation, BOHEMIAN QUEEN. WHAT A YEAR TO TOUT A NEW SHOW! For the lucky venue directors that still had their jobs, the interest in Bohemian Queen was strong, but they couldn’t even think about confirming a date because no one knew when this would end!


The Pandemic didn’t stop the creative juices of Bohemian Queen. The fellas performed a virtual concert in May and used their ‘down’ time to release several brilliantly pieced-together videos that were used to email venues and keep fans and social media peeps entertained throughout the year. Their holiday video was the icing on the cake!

Two David Victor Shows Survive the 2020 Pandemic Lockdowns

David Victor and his show THE HITS OF BOSTON & MORE was one of few that actually performed in 2020 twice, in Albuquerque New Mexico in January 2020 and Lawrenceburg Indiana in September 2020. Those two classic rock shows made everyone involved really appreciate the music, the fans, the comradery and the total experience.

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Lawrenceburg fans were very thankful for a LIVE concert!

After quite a few months of this madness, everyone is wondering when concerts will ever resume and how they have to be presented using social distancing, masks, and vaccine requirements as the new norm. As a few venues sheepishly reopened, their capacity was limited, cleaning crews were brought in to continuously wipe down handrails, etc., masks of course were a must, and continued social distancing was in place.

Maybe the last Domino?

In the last week, we noticed that less emails to venue directors were bouncing, some auto-replies actually indicated the person would be back soon, AND, the biggest response was A RESPONSE! Venue directors that previously expressed interest in BOHEMIAN QUEEN or THE HITS OF BOSTON & MORE are now asking for available dates. THEY ARE READY TO TALK, WE ARE READY TO ROCK, and we have been giving out available dates like candy!

If you are hungry for a live classic rock concert, keep an eye on our UPCOMING SHOWS page, as it is about to explode!


2 Responses

  1. Hoping to see the guys October 9th in Lancaster for The Harmony and Healing benefit show. We are traveling over 1100 miles for this but well worth it on all levels. Super excited to rock out with this band.

    1. Hi Polly! Our show in Lancaster in October is DVFOB (David Victor & The Hits of Boston & More) and the Harmony & Healing Benefit show is in Livermore on November 6th. Check our Shows page for all the details and dates!

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