Artist Submission

If you’re a top-tier popular music or classic rock tribute band, we’d love to help you book more shows. We are not an agency, but rather a tribute band show lead generation service. Submit your band information here, and if we feel your act is a good fit for our services, we will get back in touch with you as quickly as possible. We reserve the right to represent only the bands we believe embody world-class musical and performance talent. 

IMPORTANT: Your inclusion on the PTB website requires a signed agreement. Live YouTube video links submitted must truly be LIVE, and not overdubbed, recorded-in-a-rehearsal-space or cooked “promo” video. We *must* see live footage or we cannot consider your band for inclusion. 

Artist Submission Form - Jan 2022

"*" indicates required fields

You must have a website in order to qualify.
We only consider tribute bands for our program.
Band Home Base*
What's the name people use when they write you a check?
Official Business Mailing Address
How Have You Booked Your Shows?*
Please provide a YouTube link to a LIVE video of your band performing a song.
Please provide a YouTube link to a LIVE video of your band performing a song.
The more details you can include, the better!
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

we want to hear from you